Re-launch loading! We are now based out of East Africa! What to expect? Our same inventory with additional distribution services of bulk raw goods imported directly from Africa. We will offer seamoss as well, directly from the shores of Zanzibar. Looking to start your own hair and skin care line? Look no further. Consultation, private labeling and more, all live here! Let the countdown begin.


I'm a Survivor

I'm a Survivor

Sixteen years young, a junior in high school, and I had just received the news that my mom had breast cancer. I remember my mom sitting in the dark in the living room and my dad telling me about the phone call they just received. I didn’t know what it meant entirely, but I knew it was something to fear.
To Bee or Not to Bee Natural, That is the Question?!

To Bee or Not to Bee Natural, That is the Question?!

When someone says they are going natural, what they really mean to say is, they are returning!  The exodus to return to your roots can be frightening, but well worth the journey in the end.  Read, To Bee or Not to Bee Natural, That is the Question?!, and learn more about Honey B's All Natural Hair and Skin Care, the brand behind the 100% All Natural Mega Moisture Whip for Hair, Skin and Scalp, that is taking the country by storm.  The chic shea butter, that's so much more is rich in natural and essential oils, scientifically proven to help retain moisture, promote hair growth and nourish skin, to aid in anti-aging.
It's Bigger Than Shea Butter

It's Bigger Than Shea Butter

It was on that day, that the students understood, self-hatred in Ms. Boone’s room was not tolerated and was completely unacceptable. I made the statement, “even if you’ve been taught to hate yourself and you actually do hate yourself, and that someone has convinced you that your black isn’t beautiful, you are going to fake like you love yourself in this room and everywhere else, and show some respect to yourselves and others! And maybe, just maybe, one day you’ll look up and you will no longer be faking, but it will really be true, and you will love yourself! Not just parts of you, but you will love all of you, just as you are!” Let’s just say the look on the children’s faces said it all and “you could hear a mouse pee on cotton,” as my college professor would say. The mission has and will always be bigger than Shea Butter.